Register or Renew a Business Name
Do you need to register/renew a sole proprietorship, general partnership or business name for your corporation under the Ontario Business Names Act?
As a Service Provider under contract with Ontario's Ministry of Government Services, Dye & Durham's eCore is pleased to offer you all of the above services. Our easy-to-follow module guides you through the process and provides numerous error-checking and validation features before registration takes place. Use our Comprehensive Pre-Search™ to pre-check your business name.
eCore's business name registration module requires only a few simple steps and you will receive your Master Business Licence immediately upon registration (does not apply to renewals).
Note: If your business name's Business Location is outside Ontario, it cannot be registered electronically using this service. Contact us for more information.
Order a Business Name Filing
Business Name Registration - $175.80 + tax + $60 Govt Fee
For new businesses.
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Business Name Renewal - $175.80 + tax + $60 Govt Fee
For existing businesses.
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eCore's business name registration module offers all of these features:
- Ease of use for all levels of users
- Detailed instructions
- Live help
- Numerous built-in error-checking and validation processes
- Ability save your work for submission at a later time
- Draft copy for printing before filing
- Registration in real time
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 5:40 pm EST
(excluding statutory holidays)
eCore is pleased to offer you all of the following services for your Ontario business name registration:
- Comprehensive Pre-Search™
- Business Name Registration / Renewal